Russell, Bertrand (Mumford, Stephen, ed.) - Russell on Metaphysics: Selections From the Writings of Bertrand Russell
This book is a collection, along with a commentary, of the most significant writings on metaphysics by Bertrand Russell. Unlike the other books published in this series so far, the heading under which Russell’s writings are selected is one that may not be fully understood in advance by some readers. Russell discussed many things, including politics, religion and ethics. He was, however, one of the greatest analytic philosophers of the twentieth century and this book includes some of the writings for which he deserves this status. Some of the ideas Russell discusses here may be difficult, therefore. But Russell thought that in almost all areas of philosophy, clarity and simplicity was possible and that even very difficult ideas could be stripped down to their easily grasped essentials. He successfully demonstrates this in these papers. Thus, someone completely new to metaphysics ought nevertheless be able to understand what is said. Indeed, this collection would provide a fine introduction to the subject or to analytic philosophy in general. Though it is not a student textbook nor a research monograph, it is the work of a prominent and important philosopher engaged in metaphysical study. Perhaps there is no better introduction to metaphysics than such a thing. Further, this book might be an informative introduction to analytic philosophy and its history. Some of the papers contain the metaphysical development that underpinned the transition from British idealism to contemporary British philosophy.
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